Background and Role
The British Association of Homoeopathic Manufacturers (BAHM) was originally part of the Natural Medicines Manufacturers Association (NMMA), founded in 1977 to assist in the drafting of Statutory Instrument 41 of 1978, which dealt with the regulation of advertising for medicinal products.
By the early l990s it became clear that there was a need for a separate association for homoeopathic medicines which could act as the central contact point for discussions between the UK licensed homoeopathic manufacturing industry and the (then) Medicines Control Agency (MCA), in the run up to the adoption of the EU Homoeopathic Directive in 2001. Thus, the BAHM was founded and its members were homoeopathic manufacturing companies who held product licences of right for a very wide range of medicinal products. Since the adoption of the EU Homoeopathic Directive, two further UK manufacturers of homoeopathic medicines have obtained product registrations and have joined the BAHM.
In 1992 the BAHM took part in wide ranging discussions with MCA on the feasibility of updating the British Homoepathic Pharmacopoiea (last updated in l882), in order that it could serve as an appropriate reference source on the methods of manufacture and quality of homoeopathic medicinal products. In 1993 the BAHM published the first edition of the British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (B.hom.P), produced by its Scientific Committee. A revised second edition followed, published in l999.
In recent years BAHM activity has been directed towards discussions with both the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Irish Medicines Board (IMB), on the practical implementation of the ‘simplified’ registration scheme established under Article 14 of the EU Medicines Directive, and the development of the UK ‘National Rules’ for homoeopathic products with indications for use, as permitted by Article l6(2) of the EU Medicines Directive.
Today, now that the UK National Rules Scheme has been implemented by the Medicines for Human Use (National Rules for Homoeopathic Products) Regulations 2006, the BAHM remains the contact point for the UK homoeopathic industry, continuing to meet regularly with MHRA to discuss the all-important practical implementation of the Regulations.
So as to be able to play an active role in European discussions on homoeopathic issues, BAHM is also an associate member of the European Coalition on Homoeopathic and Anthroposophic Medicinal Products (ECHAMP).
There are two categories of BAHM Membership:
Ordinary Members and Associate Members
To qualify for Ordinary membership the applicant must:
- hold a medicines manufacturing licence issued by MHRA and must also be one of the following:
- the holder of one or more product licences of right issued under Section 7 of the Medicines Act of 1968
- the holder of one or more full product licences issued under section 7 of the Medicines Act of l968
- the holder of registration certificate(s) issued in accordance with the Medicines (Homoeopathic Medicinal Products for Human Use Regulations 1994
- the holder of a market authorisation issued in accordance with Medicines for Human Use (National Rules for Homoeopathic Products) Regulations 2006.
To qualify for Associate membership the applicant should be:
- hold a medicines manufacturing licence issued by MHRA and must also be one of the following:
- Any person who supports the aims and objectives of the Association and who desires and is actively engaged in preparing for and taking steps to become a holder of one or more of categories (b) (c) and (d) above.
- The holder of a ‘Specials’ manufacturing licence whose business includes the manufacture of homoeopathic medicine ‘Specials’, or is actively engaged in applying for a ‘Specials’ licence for the purpose of manufacturing homoeopathic ‘Specials’.
Membership applications are reviewed by the BAHM Board at the Board Meeting following receipt of the application.
Applications should specify the category of membership applied for and provide details of the relevant qualifying criteria. A company brochure and website address should be included with the application.
Applications for membership of the BAHM should be submitted to the Membership Secretary.
For further information, please contact the Membership Secretary.